Folic Acid to Stop Bacterial Vaginosis

Many women swear by taking Folic Acid supplements to stop Bacterial Vaginosis. I do take the pills (800mcg) once or twice daily, but I do not believe this a cure by itself. However, for some it might be! I know some women even insert them vaginally, but I have not tried this.

Foods that contain folic acid include cereals, breads, pastas and white rice. It's often recommended for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, but many who suffer from BV use it as well.

Please share your experience below with Folic Acid!

folic acid to treat bv


  1. I tried this method too. After talking the folic acid I would get more cramps, insanely sore bobs for days on end, and didn't touch the bv.

  2. Folic acid is also found naturally and in higher quantities in dark green leafy vegetables like romaine, Brussel sprouts etc.

  3. Folic acid is also found naturally and in higher quantities in dark green leafy vegetables like romaine, Brussel sprouts etc.


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